报 告 人:鲍月 教授
The recent emerge of third-party integrators of ride-sourcing platforms makes it possible for passengers to have access to service from several platforms at the same time. While passengers make platform choice by considering the average waiting time on each platform, a third-party integrator can assign platforms to passengers based on their actual waiting time, which is affected by factors like passengers’ and vacant vehicles’ exact locations. We propose to distinguish passengers’ actual waiting time and the average waiting time on a ride-sourcing platform, and model the order assignment in a ride-sourcing market with a third-party integrator. We show that under some mild conditions, a third-party integrator can always reduce passengers’ generalized trip cost, leading to higher passenger demand and larger social welfare. Furthermore, it is proved that if the average waiting time is directly determined by the pick-up distance, passengers are uniformly distributed and vacant vehicles’ location follows spatial Poisson process, the waiting time distribution with a third-party integrator is the same as that when all platforms are merged into a single one, and the resulting probability that a platform is assigned to serve a passengers is equal to the portion of its vacant vehicles in the whole integrated market. Passengers’ selection of platform options is further considered in the integrator’s platform assignment problem, and a variational inequality problem is given to depict this two-stage problem. It is demonstrated numerically that platforms with high trip fare can benefit more from the platform assignment case, while those with lower trip fare can benefit more from passengers’ selection of platform options.