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Daniel Dias: Upper Bound Limit Analysis on Tunnel Face Stability



报告人:Daniel Dias教授

工作单位:Grenoble Alpes University



Daniel Dias教授毕业于法国国立应用科学黄播平台 (INSA),现为法国阿尔卑斯大学(Grenoble Alpes University)一级教授,长期致力于城市轨道交通等方面的研究,是该领域的国际知名专家。Daniel Dias教授以课题第一负责人承担法国国家研究计划等重大科研计划2项(ASIRi&ARSCOP),完成理论著作1部,在《Geotechnique》、《ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering》等岩土工程国际权威期刊上发表论文70余篇,同时也是数个国际知名刊物的审稿专家。Dias教授先后获得法国Electricity of France等十数家相关公司的资助,主持或参与过South Toulon tunnel等十余座隧道的建设以及科研项目,具有丰富相关项目管理及工程实施经验。


The existing theoretical methods for the evaluation of tunnel face stability mainly include the limit equilibrium and the upper-bound limit analysis methods. In recent years, more emphasis has been focused on the calculation of the required face pressure when the excavation is done using a tunneling boring machine. Another alternative technique, the New Austrian Tunneling Method (NATM), has also been extensively used for tunneling recently. In the NATM, no supporting pressure is applied to the tunnel face due to the open-face excavation, therefore the more important and appropriate factor for the design in the open-face tunneling is the estimation of the safety factor.

In this lecture, a new 3D rotational mechanism based on the kinematical approach of the limit analysis applied to the tunnel face stability will be presented. A first application will be the design of the critical face pressure to be applied at the tunnel face by TBMs. Then in combination with the strength reduction method, this method was adapted to calculate the factor of safety of a non-circular tunnel face. Other developments considering the tunnel face reinforcement, the groundwater table will also be presented in a deterministic context. A probabilistic analysis using random fields will end this oral presentation.

上一条:Shan Bao(鲍珊):Human Factors Issues Associate with Connected and Automated Vehicle Safety Systems 下一条:吴宝志:基于量子力学的制冷空调前沿技术
